Sunday, June 7, 2009

Days 9 & 10- The Neighbor's Have Way Better Cars Here

So, yesterday I woke up and Leanne had wanted to go to a palace since it was supposed to rain, but I decided we should go to the Portobello Market instead. Leanne gave in, but it was amazing. Cameron came too for part of the time, before heading off to a friend's house in Surrey. There were a ton of antique dealers, leather dealers, used clothing vendors, fresh food merchants, etc. It was the epitome of an outdoor market. It took us a few hours to walk through and I ended up finding a replacement watch for my Ben Sherman that broke earlier this semester. It was really cheap, and this one is waterproof, so the band won't rot this time! We spent most of the time parousing the market looking for a bag for Leanne to take to work, some sort of England apparel for the soccer game on Wednesday.

We never did find a bag for Leanne, but we did find scarves. We bought them too because they were cheap. As well, there was an amazing, old (like 1970's) Aston Martin there. So I took a picture. Apparently you can rent it for a day though, which I think is pretty sweet.

We then stopped and got hot chocolate on the way to the train because someone forgot her jacket at the flat, and we ended up taking the wrong train home, going the wrong way at the split on the district line. We then came home and relaxed and made burgers for dinner. They were yummy! Then, we went to the pub in the mews across the street called "Queen's Arm". It sucked. It was too expensive and didn't have any televisions to watch cricket on. This is important since Twenty20 is going on this week!!! Anyway, we then went to the Gloucester Arm, which is now by far my favorite pub in London. We watched Australia lose to the West Indies in cricket, and Leanne and I shared a bottle of wine. It was a great evening. Also, apparently classes at the Imperial College of London don't get out until 11:30 on Friday nights, because right about that time about 30+ students came rushing into the pub with their school bags still on and all. It was quite an interesting sight.

Then, today, well... I will edit this tomorrow and finish it before strarting tomorrow's post. I have to wake up for work in 6 hours. Good night!

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